
This is a self paced training course. If there is a section that doesn't pertain to you, you may skip over it. You may click on subjects in whatever area you want. You can take it on your phone and or computer at your own pace. If you have questions throughout this training please write and/or type all of your questions and email them to me at [email protected]. Be sure to put the page number of the minimum standard and the number and title of the standard that you have a question about. I will respond to the email and or call you to explain in greater detail. If needed I will contact my child care licensing inspector for more clarification. Remember this training will not eliminate any obstacles you may have instead it will empower you with the knowledge you need.

Comment below and say where you are from and hello.

Thank you for your support by joining my Youtube channel for $1.99/mo or $4.99/mo or just sending in donations. I really appreciate it. I am able to keep these courses free for all by your support. Thank you again

If you would like to join here's the link


for donations

Cash at $Texascctrainers

Venmo at @Texascctrainers

Zelle [email protected]

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